Figure 3.
(a) 1H,15N TROSY HSQC spectra of [U-2H,15N]-labeled GII.4 Saga P-dimers in the absence and presence of B-trisaccharide. The insert is highlighting CSPs due to binding of B-trisaccharide to P-dimers. (b) HBGA binding pocket of GII.4 Saga P-dimers (pdb 4 × 06) highlighting the close proximity between the l-fucose residue and R345 causing the strong CSP shown in (a). Figure reproduced [44] under creative commons attributions license.
Example for a TROSY HSQC ‘fingerprint’.

(a) 1H,15N TROSY HSQC spectra of [U-2H,15N]-labeled GII.4 Saga P-dimers in the absence and presence of B-trisaccharide. The insert is highlighting CSPs due to binding of B-trisaccharide to P-dimers. (b) HBGA binding pocket of GII.4 Saga P-dimers (pdb 4 × 06) highlighting the close proximity between the l-fucose residue and R345 causing the strong CSP shown in (a). Figure reproduced [44] under creative commons attributions license.

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