Figure 2
Male (aged standard = 16; aged running = 12) and female (aged standard = 14; aged running = 14) mice with running wheels placed for 1 week lost weight, while aged standard-housed male mice gained weight (*P<0.05 post-hoc effect of Time following a significant Time × Sex × Exercise interaction). Aged standard-housed female mice did not change their weight.
Weight gain at baseline and 1 week after running wheels were placed in aged running groups

Male (aged standard = 16; aged running = 12) and female (aged standard = 14; aged running = 14) mice with running wheels placed for 1 week lost weight, while aged standard-housed male mice gained weight (*P<0.05 post-hoc effect of Time following a significant Time × Sex × Exercise interaction). Aged standard-housed female mice did not change their weight.

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