Figure 1
Human iPSCs either with or without gene-editing can be differentiated into the various cell types of the NVU. The cells, together with appropriate biomaterials that mimic the ECM, can be incorporated into a range of models of the NVU in which to study BBB function. Inset: schematic of the NVU. See text for details. Abbreviation: iPSC, induced pluripotent stem cell.
Using human induced pluripotent stem cells and biomaterials to generate 3D models of the NVU

Human iPSCs either with or without gene-editing can be differentiated into the various cell types of the NVU. The cells, together with appropriate biomaterials that mimic the ECM, can be incorporated into a range of models of the NVU in which to study BBB function. Inset: schematic of the NVU. See text for details. Abbreviation: iPSC, induced pluripotent stem cell.

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