Figure 4
(A) Donut charts showing the percentage of palmitoylated proteins in AIS or synaptic proteomes. The totals indicate the number of proteins in each dataset. The AIS proteome gene list was assembled from the highest confidence AIS proteins identified by Hamdan et al. ([214]) and several known AIS proteins missed in the Hamdan study. Synaptic proteome genes were extracted from the SynGO database (SynGO release 1.1-all genes [216]). Both gene sets were subjected to palmitoyl-proteome comparison analysis in SwissPalm using all 54 available mouse, human, and rat proteomes. All proteins found in at least two palmitoyl proteomes or one targeted study were designated as palmitoylated. (B–D) Heat maps showing all genes in membrane-proximal (NF186, B), microtubule-associated (Trim46, C), and shallow cytoplasm (Ndel1, D) and AIS proteomes and the number of palmitoyl proteome and targeted studies for each gene. Red colour designates values above 20. The data on the number of studies were extracted from the palmitoyl-proteome comparison analysis described above.
Palmitoyl-proteome comparison analysis reveals the prevalence of palmitoylation among AIS proteins

(A) Donut charts showing the percentage of palmitoylated proteins in AIS or synaptic proteomes. The totals indicate the number of proteins in each dataset. The AIS proteome gene list was assembled from the highest confidence AIS proteins identified by Hamdan et al. ([214]) and several known AIS proteins missed in the Hamdan study. Synaptic proteome genes were extracted from the SynGO database (SynGO release 1.1-all genes [216]). Both gene sets were subjected to palmitoyl-proteome comparison analysis in SwissPalm using all 54 available mouse, human, and rat proteomes. All proteins found in at least two palmitoyl proteomes or one targeted study were designated as palmitoylated. (B–D) Heat maps showing all genes in membrane-proximal (NF186, B), microtubule-associated (Trim46, C), and shallow cytoplasm (Ndel1, D) and AIS proteomes and the number of palmitoyl proteome and targeted studies for each gene. Red colour designates values above 20. The data on the number of studies were extracted from the palmitoyl-proteome comparison analysis described above.

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