Figure 6
C57BL/6J male mice were treated with vehicle, 0.8 mg/kg/d AngII or 3 mg/kg/d dabrafenib with AngII for 7 or 28 d as indicated. (A) The aorta was fixed and stained with H&E or picrosirius red (PSR). Representative images are shown. (B) Ultrasound B-mode images of the aorta following 7 d treatment were used to measure the internal diameter at the end of cardiac systole (s) with the aorta at its widest diameter, and following aortic contraction (ac). (C) Representative images of the aorta at the end of cardiac systole and following aortic contraction. (D) Ultrasound B-mode images of the aorta following 28 d treatment were used to measure the internal diameter. Quantification data are provided as individual points with means ± SEM. Individual P values are shown using one-way (B) or two-way (D) ANOVA with Holm-Sidak’s post-test.
Effects of dabrafenib on the aorta in mice treated with AngII

C57BL/6J male mice were treated with vehicle, 0.8 mg/kg/d AngII or 3 mg/kg/d dabrafenib with AngII for 7 or 28 d as indicated. (A) The aorta was fixed and stained with H&E or picrosirius red (PSR). Representative images are shown. (B) Ultrasound B-mode images of the aorta following 7 d treatment were used to measure the internal diameter at the end of cardiac systole (s) with the aorta at its widest diameter, and following aortic contraction (ac). (C) Representative images of the aorta at the end of cardiac systole and following aortic contraction. (D) Ultrasound B-mode images of the aorta following 28 d treatment were used to measure the internal diameter. Quantification data are provided as individual points with means ± SEM. Individual P values are shown using one-way (B) or two-way (D) ANOVA with Holm-Sidak’s post-test.

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