Figure 2.
The exogenous κ-elastin enhances the mRNA expression of eNOS in the ECs [73], and tropoelastin improves the protein expression for NO production, which is inhibited by L-NAME [74]. The TSP-1-mediated inhibition of NO synthesis and downstream effects is through two main mechanisms: (1) The high concentrations of TSP-1 and its peptide mimetics, ABT-510, via interaction with CD-36, inhibit the translocation of myristate to the cytoplasm, thus inhibit the membrane translocation of the Src responsible the activation of eNOS and generation of NO [68,70]. (2) At low concentration, and via its binding to CD47, TSP-1 inhibits the NO-mediated activation of sGC, cGMP generation from Guanosine triphosphate (GTP), and activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK-1) responsible for the enhanced cell proliferation, angiogenesis and metastasis [71,72]. The exogenous NO at a concentration of 1 µM only can decrease the protein expression of TSP-1 in the ECs, while activates sGC [67]. The scheme was created in
The synthetic pathway of NO in ECs, inducers, inhibitors, the roles played and the effects of different components of the ECM.

The exogenous κ-elastin enhances the mRNA expression of eNOS in the ECs [73], and tropoelastin improves the protein expression for NO production, which is inhibited by L-NAME [74]. The TSP-1-mediated inhibition of NO synthesis and downstream effects is through two main mechanisms: (1) The high concentrations of TSP-1 and its peptide mimetics, ABT-510, via interaction with CD-36, inhibit the translocation of myristate to the cytoplasm, thus inhibit the membrane translocation of the Src responsible the activation of eNOS and generation of NO [68,70]. (2) At low concentration, and via its binding to CD47, TSP-1 inhibits the NO-mediated activation of sGC, cGMP generation from Guanosine triphosphate (GTP), and activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK-1) responsible for the enhanced cell proliferation, angiogenesis and metastasis [71,72]. The exogenous NO at a concentration of 1 µM only can decrease the protein expression of TSP-1 in the ECs, while activates sGC [67]. The scheme was created in

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