1. The relationship between thirst perception and plasma osmolality was studied during hypertonic and physiological saline infusion in ten healthy volunteers.

2. Thirst perception was quantified using a linear visual analogue scale which volunteers marked at intervals during the infusion periods.

3. Infusion of hypertonic saline caused a steady rise in plasma osmolality together with a progressive linear increase in thirst perception and also plasma arginine vasopressin. No significant changes in thirst, plasma osmolality or plasma arginine vasopressin occurred during infusion of physiological saline.

4. Linear regression analysis of the results defined the functions. Thirst (cm) = 0.3 (plasma osmolality −281) (r = + 0.92, P < 0.001) and plasma arginine vasopressin (pmol/l) = 0.4 (plasma osmolality −285) (r = + 0.96, P < 0.001). The osmolar threshold for thirst onset thus defined (281 mosmol/kg) was much lower than in previous studies and similar to the theoretical osmolar threshold for vasopressin release (285 mosmol/kg).

5. We conclude that thirst perception rises in a progressive fashion throughout a wide range of plasma osmolality and that the osmolar threshold for thirst onset is similar to the theoretical osmolar threshold for vasopressin release.

6. The results are compatible with the concept of either a single osmoreceptor subserving both thirst and vasopressin release, or two osmoreceptors sharing similar functional characteristics.

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