Gene regulation involves the generation of a local chromatin topology that is conducive to transcription. Several classes of chromatin remodelling activity have been shown to play a role in this process. ATP-dependent chromatin-remodelling activities use energy derived from the hydrolysis of ATP to alter the structure of chromatin, making it more accessible for transcription factor binding. The yeast SWI-SWF complex is the founding member of this family of ATP-dependent chromatin-remodelling activities. We have developed a model system to study the ability of the SWI-SWF complex to alter chromatin structure. Using this system, we find that SWI-SWF is able to alter the position of nucleosomes along the DNA. This is consistent with recent reports that other ATP-dependent chromatin-remodelling activities can alter the positions of nucleosomes along DNA. This suggests that nucleosome mobilization may be a general feature of the activity of ATP-dependent chromatin-remodelling activities. Some of the mechanisms by which nucleosomes may be moved along DNA are discussed.

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