Mouse MT-I (metallothionein-I) transcription is regulated by MTF-1 (metal-response-element-binding transcription factor-1) which is recruited to the promoter in response to zinc. Cr(VI) [chromium(VI)] pretreatment blocks zinc-activation of the endogenous MT-I gene and attenuates zinc-activation of MT-I-promoter-driven luciferase reporter genes in transient transfection assays. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that Cr(VI) only modestly reduces recruitment of MTF-1 to the MT-I promoter in response to zinc, but drastically reduces the recruitment of RNA polymerase II. These results suggest that Cr(VI) inhibits the ability of MTF-1 to transactivate this gene in response to zinc. Zinc has recently been shown to induce the formation of a co-activator complex containing MTF-1 and the histone acetyltransferase p300 which plays an essential role in the activation of MT-I transcription. In the present study, co-immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that Cr(VI) pretreatment blocks the zinc-induced formation of this co-activator complex. Thus Cr(VI) inhibits mouse MT-I gene expression in response to zinc by interfering with the ability of MTF-1 to form a co-activator complex containing p300 and recruiting RNA polymerase II to the promoter.

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