The yeast ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) is a mitochondrial protein that is targeted to the inner membrane via the TIM10 and TIM22 translocase complexes. AAC is devoid of a typical mitochondrial targeting signal and its targeting and insertion are thought to be guided by internal amino acid sequences. Here we show that AAC contains a cryptic matrix targeting signal that can target up to two thirds of the N-terminal part of the protein to the matrix. This event is coordinated by the TIM23 translocase and displays all the features of the matrix-targeting pathway. However, in the context of the whole protein, this signal is ‘masked’ and rendered non-functional as the polypeptide is targeted to the inner membrane via the TIM10 and TIM22 translocases. Our data suggest that after crossing the outer membrane the whole polypeptide chain of AAC is necessary to commit the precursor to the TIM22-mediated inner membrane insertion pathway.

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